
Sep 13, 2024

Climate Change

We enjoy tender coconut water with a plastic straw and a week later a turtle dies
choking on the same straw. We take a relaxing long hot shower and the polar bears
in the arctic die of hunger. Butterfly Effect?Yes, every unintended action of ours has a dire consequence somewhere on our
planet. And those consequences point us to only one thing …. “Climate Change”.

What is Climate Change?

Climate change or global warming refers to the rise in average surface temperatures
on earth. Science says that it is mainly due to the use of fossil fuels, which releases
carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The heat is
trapped in the air, which can have a range of adverse effects on our planet. Apart
from this, changes in land usage like agriculture, deforestation etc. contributes to
climate change.
What can we do to prevent climate change?
a. Green Commute: Take public transport, carpool, bicycling, etc.
b. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse: Follow the 4R’s mantra from plastic to
c. Renewable Energy: Use solar panel, wind power, biomass and hydropower.
d. Eat Right: Eat vegetarian food, local produce and don’t waste food.
e. Learn, Live and Educate: Develop an interest to know more about global warming
and its dreadful consequences. Make a conscious effort to adopt an eco-friendly
lifestyle. Create awareness among others starting with the society you live in.
f. Afforestation: Do your part to increase the green cover in your immediate
surroundings to decrease the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Time is running out, we have no option but to step up, take responsibility and act
immediately to stop and reverse the climate change, as we all know there is no
Planet B



Vaanavil is an Environmental NGO, founded in 2013 with a mission to create
a greener and cleaner environment for current and future generations, by integrating innovative practices and partnering with area businesses and community
Vaanavil has been conducting several activities that align with their mission which
ranges from seed ball making to awareness campaigns to e-waste drives.
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Some of the activities of Vaanavil

Seed Ball Making Workshop

Painting on Cloth Bag

Tree adoption stall, Paper bag making, water saving awareness sessions, summer eco-camps.