Amount disbursed.
Number of students benefitted

Laceleste Charitable Trust

La Celeste Charitable Trust (LCCT) was founded in May 2015 with the objective of providing financial aid in cash or kind to economically disadvantaged students for their education, including the payment of their tuition fees, provision of books, stipends, and other incentives to study, without any discrimination based on caste, color, race, creed, or sex.

In the first year, LCCT disbursed more than Rs.100,000/- to 22 deserving students living in and around Chennai for their education. Encouraged by the success of this initiative, the La Celeste Charitable Trust was officially registered on the 9th of May 2016.


beneficiaries are girls
beneficiaries are college students

Our Story

LCCT is managed by individuals from different walks of life who are like-minded and have joined together with the sole aim of helping financially disadvantaged students meet their educational requirements. The funds for this purpose are generated from the trustees, friends, and well-wishers. A screening committee scrutinizes the applications received from economically challenged students in schools and colleges and recommends the amount for disbursement, considering the merit of each applicant and their family background.


Educate to Empower

LCCT welcomes contributions from all philanthropic individuals like you. We cordially invite you to join us in this noble endeavor so that, together, we can help educate deserving underprivileged students. While your contribution may not change the world, it will certainly make a significant impact in the lives of a few children. Sponsoring a child's education is a meaningful way to contribute to a better future for both the child and the community. It's an investment in the future, a means to empower children, build relationships, and create a positive difference in the world. Please click the button to donate now.

Sponsor a child

அன்ன சத்திரம் ஆயிரம் வைத்தல், ஆலயம் பதினாயிரம் நாட்டல், பின்னருள்ள தருமங்கள் யாவும், பெயர் விளங்கி ஒளிர நிறுத்தல், அன்னயாவினும் புண்ணியம் கோடி ஆங்கோர் ஏழைக்கு எழுத்தறிவித்தல்' - மகாகவி சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதியார்

More than serving a thousand people with food, more than building ten thousand temples of faith, what is better is to educate an underprivileged person. - Maha Kavi Subramaniya Bharathiyar

Supporting La Celeste Charitable Trust has been a life-changing experience for me. Education is a gift that keeps on giving, and this organization is bestowing that gift upon countless young minds.



Chandralatha Kannan, Chennai

Thank you for the opportunity provided!

Aishwarya Karthik, Chennai

I’ve seen firsthand how these investments in education have empowered children to break the cycle of poverty. I am proud to be a part of this journey and encourage everyone to join this cause; together, we can shape a brighter future for all.

Gargee Dutta, Chennai


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